Is there some ways to make Hammieboy grow as big as a pup? I want to walk him in the park, have him slp with me on the bed, and bring him swimming with me in the shallows of the sea waters :)
Everything's been rosy and sweet.
Sam and I.
Sometimes I've the urge to zip all the obstacles between us into a Compressed Folder, and throw it at some back deserted corner of my brain.
Sometimes all those factors just dont matter.
I hope and I pray, we can hold each other till we're both aged.
Abraham and Sarah :)
Havent been updating much because life has been rather mundane (again), but fast paced.
The 2nd mth of the term always grows white hair on me bcuz it is the Project Submission period!!
Makes me very useful/significant though :)
3 projects to submit.
2 more quizzes to go.
1 presentation.
And it's Study Break soon woohoo!
Friday night and Sam is out for some drinks while his gf is here getting crushed by computer waves.
12plus am faster tick by, yong tau foo wait for meeee